Monday, January 05, 2015

2015 - Day 5

5th Jan
Surprisingly today I woke up with a determination.
Oh my. I had a real panda eyes today. How cute. Not.
Go see doctor. But the hard cough was making it difficult.
Glad that Dr Raj was on duty. I like this Dr. He was informative and very positive. He shown empathy. Not like some other Dr who, to me, abuse words saying all the problem in the world is just bcoz you are fat.
He did addressed this issue to me on earlier visit, but in a kind and intelligent way. He asked nicely too. So I replied him, I will not just try, but will make the effort. Thank you Dr Raj!
He explained to me like he was going to give me ten different medications. I can't really concentrate with my headache. I just said, what about my cough? Oh, that's the next medicine. Okay. MC please. I really can't go to work feeling like this. I can't even drive. Granted.
Oh btw, pa drove me. Hehe.
At the end I went out with only 4 meds. Antibiotics, caugh syrup, something for my flu, and paracetamol.
I ate nasi lemak bungkus daun pisang and milo o at Ali Maju. First dosage went into the system. Milo o too hot and too sweet. Had to bungkus.
Same routine as yesterday. But I drank as much water as I can.
Was it late afternoon? My bro and family arrived. They came after check up at the hospital. We were about to welcome a baby boy. Now at 39 weeks of pregnancy. But it was not time yet. So we wait for another week. That baby is going to be huge.
I was feeling a bit okay after taking two antibiotics. Less shakey. Headache almost gone. No more staring at the wall.
I went to bed as soon as I took the third dosage that night.
Can I go to work tomorrow?

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