Monday, July 04, 2005

Long time no see

Hello friends,

Today was quite an eventful day. At lunchtime, I decided to join Alumnus from Indiana University Bloomington at KLCC for a small gathering. I have not seen Amy, Zul, Judd, Epul, Noreen, Ticub, and Dita for the longest time. Semua still comel-comel lagi. Sihat je.

Was surprised to see others who are still jollying their time before cari kerja, except for Pitek la kan. Orang tu dah dapat kerja kat LG. Hopefully he likes living in Tanjung Malim. Aiya... orang joli-joli best je. I je ni ha fobia still tak dapat kerja. InsyaAllah tak lama lagi ni.

Yani and Syuhada were there to also met their MRSM Taiping friends. I get to meet Ikram, Pitek, Lynn, Lina, Nik, and Mira (adik Nik) before I had to leave at 4.00pm. We ate Burger King + Kentucky and we survived two heavy rains under a small gazebo in the KLCC park.

Had a blast. Must do more of this thing again ya.

Oh ye, the night before (masa orang tengah sibuk-sibuk tengok Konsert Akademi Fantasia), I went for a gorgeous wedding at Hotel Istana. Actually, not my friend punya wedding. I was there as my sister's date. hehe... The pengacara majlis was so funny. Namanya Encik Zakaria or also known as Mr. Z. The last words from him was "Daun durian sugguh bersih, sekian terima kasih". kih kih... Got to have him as your MC if you want a lively event.

I may go to Alor Setar this July. Ada kenduri kahwin for Farahana and Faris. So, if you wanna kowtim and share transportation to get there, gimme a call. Till later....

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