Recently I was again absorbed in reading. Dan Brown was my next in list. After a wonderful encounter with The Davinci Code in 2005, I have been wanting to read another novel by Brown.
By chance of looking at movie trailers a few weeks back, I came across another movie adapted from a novel by the same author, soon to be released this year. One that I found interesting in the writing was about the painting masters. There were quite a lot of names mentioned in the book. But what intrique me the most was about self potrait.
I was suddenly reminded of the trip I had to the Louvre in Paris, France. That place was magical! I love paintings. I don't understand them, but I love them anyway. I do relate creativity with geniuses. Of this reason, I was thinking of starting a new project. A self potrait project.
I hope this time I'll do it good.
Here's my first work.

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