Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pleasure in Reading

Lately I have been doing a lot of reading.

Bought quite some number of books and then forced a friend to send me the Stephanie Meyer's series which was on e-book because I couldn't find any of her books on the shelf after the movie was out and Christmas was just - then - around the corner.

I went to at least four bookstores before I finally gave up. The customer service people were all smiles, telling me that all prints were pre-booked and paid for. "Not until next year, if you're lucky". Darn that smile. I couldn't get angry, but damn frustrated nevertheless.

Like always, I couldn't wait. I wanted to read the series so bad.

Gleefully Z told me that she purchased a copy of the first book months back. I was estatic! Finally! The wait was worth it. Quickly the next day Z delivered the book to me. hehehehehehe..

So I read the whole book all night and continue again the day after and finished it by the same day. I fell in love. I loved the book and I loved Stephanie Meyer, in that order.

However the feelings didn't last long. The next day I was starting to acutely be depressed. Why? Because I didn't have the next book! That's why.

I was mulling around and told Z that I wanted to keep the book longer than I earlier anticipated. I re-read obviously. And this time I make my reading pace slower. Much slower that I ended up spending a whole week looking at the book. oh... oh... Z, I really took a good care of your book. No worries :)

In the next week, I can't stop talking to K about my new found love. haha... I think she freaked out by my passion in this book and kept asking her to watch the movie with me. By this time, I've watched the movie twice. K knew this, and like always, tried to keep me not spending too much money on this movie. Thanks K, but you should have not!!! I would be terrifiedly happy to watch it again. Honest.

Luck found me when I bumped into Y the same week. I can't help talking about it to Y too. And Y understood. hehe.. Y was like me too and was in the bandwagon much much earlier than me. That's how I got my e-book!! errmm.. should be e-books (with s)

For a good weekend, I had to stress out my eye balls looking at my computer screen without the comfort of my bed. I actually really like reading my books with my pillows. My back hurts, my bum bruised - i think - for sitting too long. My eyes naturally dried easily. Self-sacrifice was sweet when I read The End on the last book of the series. It felt liberating. I conquered - me.

My favourite book is the third. It felt like it was me in there - or maybe I should say wish I need the torn and disgust to view the world like a better place.

This definitely made me thinking about me again. I shudder the thought that I need to feel miserable to see good. But why? Can't I just skip the ugly to view the beauty? Must I destroy a good thing before it is too late to see the goodness in the first place? hmm. Something to mull again later.

1 comment:

  1. Ina!

    How wonderful your stories are!

    I think i'm addicted,.. to you.

    keep writing!
