Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Naughty librarian

Believe it or not, today is the first day I spend a whole lot of time at the library this semester. Main Library seems less gloomy than the last time I was here. The University put a lot of work with light fixtures, adding computers, more help onsite, and another proposal to make the library more usable and high tech. I heard some weeks ago that the University is trying to design an underground space. How cool is that!

The very purpose I come to the library today is to study. Since I am here, I watched a movie, didn't really read any books :) heheh... Oh yeah, I watched Spellbound, a documentary about American kids who are on the road to win the National Spelling Bee championship in 1999. It was a really stressful documentary. It is already about 20 minutes since I watched it, and I am still feeling 'sick' from it. uhhh.... I can't handle pressure like those kids did.

It's the sixth week of the semester and I am still kicking, well alive. I am also in the mood of listening to R&B musics. Ashanti, Mario, and Usher are making me feeling very, how should I put this, goddess like? hahahaha.... please don't try to imagine how that feels like.

The weather today turns out quite well. It's a warm February. Leave your winter coat inside and go jogging or something.

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